Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More Sins!

You will be going halfway downhill at a very fast pace if the business you are doing is not automated as far as routines are concerned. If you don't have proper business systems to conduct your regular daily work, then all your efforts will be for nought. What's a good business system? It is one which will effectively assist you in handling all your chores in a systematic way round the clock even if you are on a one-week holiday in the Bahamas, having a reflexology session in the evening or even while you are having a quiet family dinner in a posh downtown restaurant. There are many opportunities which present themselves as automated but when in actual fact most of the necessary procedures and transactions needed to be tended to manually. As a business owner, you have to continuously think for the customer. What would be an effective system to develop to ensure that the business runs smoothly on autopilot? Ask yourself this question when you are in doubt - Are you working the systems or are you letting the business work on you?
Another very unforgivable sin of internet marketing is that of unfounded assumptions of the business and the internet. This is a huge topic in itself, so I will generalise here. A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that Internet Marketing is and will be an overnight success train for them. So what do they do? Well, your guess is as good as mine. Get to know the basics of the trade. Research all the available resources, the different business models, the pros and cons of each, online and offline before attempting to dive in. My point here is this - Do not attempt to drive blindfolded! The other group are the skeptics. All in all the internet to them is a completely strange and absolutely technical world filled with rocket science jargon and is probably a place suitable only for computer geeks. How can I smirk and laugh at these people now as I was once like them? The truth of the matter is that as long as one has very basic (notice I use the word 'very') PC knowledge with Word applications and sending and opening emails, you are one step closer to the internet business world.
I couldn't help not to end this post without mentioning the very reason why most new internet marketers fail - ineffective marketing approaches. Untargetted market research, poorly planned marketing techniques, lousy advertising strategies and lack-lustre sales copy are some of the sins which make the amateurs struggle daily in their internet marketing quest. Effective Marketing is the core of any business and it's no different here in the online world. Learn how to strategically plan ahead of the game..... every single day!