Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hello World!

Hi everyone, and a big welcome to my world in cyberspace! Isnt it truly exciting and perhaps a little bit nervous when you start something new? For example, learning how to drive, your first swing with a golf-club, your first attempt at public speaking etc? Well, what do you know? This is indeed my very first try at the wonderful world of blogging! To me, it’s a big stride on the internet, having had so many years of experience with computers - well, basically it’s just stuff like emails, photo editings, chats, messaging and some other time-wasting pursuits!

So what is it that interests me so much to attempt this new adventure? I must confess that over the years, I’ve left numerous ideas and thoughts on many a coffee table, and so with such a great tool at hand to express oneself…. I thought to myself…why not? It’s something new I’m learning today and everyday.

For those who will be following my exploits here, you will notice that I’m no different than any one of you. A simple person living a simple life. What separates each of us might be some of our desires, our dreams. Each person’s pursuits in life, however are slightly different due to varying economic or financial means. But I believe all of us has a purpose on this planet, and only we ourselves are able to know what it really is.

I’ll not dwell too much in this first blog, but whatever you read in my posts, I hope you’ll truly learn something and benefit from them as I’ve learnt much over the years that it’s in the giving that one can truly receive in abundance.

Let me leave this first post with a quote which has transformed me immensely: It’s in the moments of decisions that your destiny is shaped. Anthony Robbins