Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lasting Passion

There are definitely times in our lives when everything seems to be going 'just wonderfully right' for us - you know, that kind of feeling when you feel like you are walking on air, an experience called the 'butterfly sensation'. And what times could it be other than when we are deep in a blossoming romance! When you are in love or are in the process of falling in love, almost everything in life seems so much better, so much brighter and you can feel the exuberance within you.

A couple years down the road, the reality sets in and when we become more and more comfortable with our partners and the daily demands of our lives catch up on us, this pulsating excitement of our new love slowly begins to fade away. With so many other important things to focus on in our everyday lives, it can be difficult to sustain the level of intensity and passion we had in our relationship.

Our intimate relationship with our partners provide us with immense opportunity for growth and joy. And by failing to give it the attention and effort it deserves, we could be forfeiting a huge part of our happiness and well-being.

Besides the common aspects of trust and communication, there are some other simple techniques which can be applied daily in our daily personal relationships with our partners in order to sustain the passion and connection which we so long for and truly deserve.

1. Live your true nature and allow yourself to be vulnerable and spontaneous while expressing yourself in the moment of love.

2. Consistently tell your loved ones why you are so lucky to have the opportunity to love and cherish them every day of your life. Make this conscious effort to always feel more appreciative then the previous day.

3. When you are both committed and devoted to each other, express this commitment physically, emotionally and spiritually.

4. Schedule time together and make the enjoyment of life, intimacy and sexuality a priority.

5. Express your affection in the moment and forget what's around you. Be spontaneous.

6. Be imaginative and always make constant changes and wonderful surprises for each other.

How can I ignite my relationship? You've just been provided with the simple steps and strategies to achieve it in a moment's notice. Try each of the techniques listed above. Take action immediately and cultivate passion in your relationship now! Ask yourself: How can I spontaneously express love and affection? Is there something I've always wanted to do with my partner which I've been delaying? What are the memorable moments in my relationship which I can discuss with my partner to show my appreciation?

Remember to Take Action and Live with Passion!